Имею похожую проблему, пришлось переустановить себе систему (чистый винт поставил).
Установил Windows XP SP1
Установил автообновление, в логах вот что пишет:
[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0600) ===========
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Service *************
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Service *********
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Agent * WU client version
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Agent * SusClientId = '3d9742a4-426a-45d3-9fa8-6abd6265c8bc'
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2006-01-08 03:47:06 960 3f4 Agent * Network state: Connected
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent * WSUS server: http://wu.windowsupdate.tomsk.ru
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent * WSUS status server: http://wu.windowsupdate.tomsk.ru
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # WSUS server: http://wu.windowsupdate.tomsk.ru
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # Detection frequency: 22
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 17:00
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (Policy)
2006-01-08 03:47:51 960 3f4 AU # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated)
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr = 80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth Schemes used : <>
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 PT + Last proxy send request failed with hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 PT WARNING: GetConfig failure, error = 0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code = 200
2006-01-08 03:48:27 960 574 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 80072efd.
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr = 80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth Schemes used : <>
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 PT + Last proxy send request failed with hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 PT WARNING: GetConfig failure, error = 0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code = 200
2006-01-08 03:48:48 960 574 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 80072efd.