Author Topic: Access-based Enumeration  (Read 2919 times)

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Access-based Enumeration
« on: November 03, 2005, 23:32:33 »
если кто не в курсе, в windows 2003 server после установки SP1 появляется фитча, которая есть в новеле с рождения и которую я хотел от виндов начиная с NT 3.51. фитча называется Access-based Enumeration.

при включении данной фитчи на файловом сервере под windows 2003 SP1, пользователи будут видеть только те папки и файлы, на которые у них есть право доступа. весьма рекомендую.

Detailed description
Access-based Enumeration allows users to see only files and folders that they have access to on a file server. This feature is not enabled by default.
To enable this feature, a property must be set on a file share to allow access-based enumeration. To enable this feature on your server, you can download a shell extension that provides both a graphical user interface for enabling access-based enumeration and a command-line interface for managing this feature. When this download is installed, a wizard will run that can automatically enable Access-based Enumeration on the shared folders on your computer. This download includes a whitepaper that provides further details about the shell extension, command line interface, and the NetShareSetInfo application programming interface (API). This download is available on the Microsoft Download Center at
« Last Edit: November 04, 2005, 09:18:46 by visual »