Свежее "Обновление для Windows XP (KB898461)" не встало на winxpsp2. :blink:4.447: Num Ticks for Backup : 1092
4.657: Num Ticks for creating uninst inf : 210
4.657: Registering Uninstall Program for -> KB898461, KB898461 , 0x0
4.677: Failed To Move File C:\WINNT\system32\spupdsvc.exe error = 0x5
4.677: Failed to copy spupdsvc.exe to system32
4.927: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> KB898461, 0
4.927: sрограмма установки "KB898461" прекращена.
4.927: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00d