Есть еще мазохисты кроме меня, которые пытались устанавливать Висту с этого диска (vista_5600.16384.060829-2230_x86fre_client-LR1CFRE_EN_DVD.iso) на VMware? Установка останавливается при надписи "Windows is loading files..." и белой полоске внизу. Или она так медленно устанавливается?
Установка Vista RC1 под VMWareVista pre-RC1 (Build 5536) and RC1 (5600) have a bug that interacts poorly with Workstation 5.5.2 -- you can install the OS, but you just can't see anything! There are three known workarounds:
blindly follow a keystroke step-by-step recipe (not recommended)
install on the free VMware Server on a different machine, install the VMware Tools which gets you the right driver, and then move the virtual machine to Workstation.
add the following lines to your .vmx file before installing:
svga.maxWidth = "640"
svga.maxHeight = "480"
After installing the OS and the VMware Tools, shut down, remove those lines, and reboot. (via VMware Forums one and two, and via Joel on Software.)
This will likely be resolved in the next build of Vista (and of Workstation). Vista runs fine in a virtual machine -- or as fine as it does outside a virtual machine -- although I'm not sure if all the Aero Glass UI effects are available.
думаю разберешси-)
ЗЫ: да и ваще думаю под виртуалки она еще "poorly" -)