Wput, версия pre0.6-w32
И как ему на конфиг файл указать? Я и с бинари и с аскии делал, по барабану. Случайным образом недописывает файл, а иногда ещё и вместо нужных символов пробелы вставляет.
set ftp_proxy=http://myproxy.serv:3128
wput --debug --reupload --timeout=180 --binary c:/temp/file.txt
ftp://user:[email protected]:21/www/file.txt Лог WPUT:[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']Added file `c:/temp/file.txt' to queue.
Added URL `ftp://user:
[email protected]:21/www/file.txt' to queue.
processing queue:
File: `c:/temp/file.txt'
URL : `ftp://user:
[email protected]:21/www/file.txt'
IP of `mysite.net' is `21x.29.8x.2xx'
PRE_GUESS: local_file: c:/temp/file.txt
remote_path: www remote_file: file.txt (420450)
POST_GUESS: local_file: c:/temp/file.txt
remote_path: www remote_file: file.txt
Searching for skip_entry
ftp://user:[email protected]:21/www/--11:03:32-- `c:/temp/file.txt'
ftp://user:[email protected]:21/www/file.txtstarting again
Connecting to 21x.29.8x.2xx:21... Doing proxy connection
c_sock: 78c
initiating timeout connect (180)
Checking whether 1932 is writable... 1 (0:No error)
proxy-connect: 'CONNECT 21x.29.8x.2xx:21 HTTP/1.0
' (IP eb571dd9)
connected[220] 'web.tomsk.net FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Wed Jan 9 13:13:29 KRAT 2002) ready.'
==> AUTH TLS ... ---->AUTH TLS
[530] 'Please login with USER and PASS.'
failed (Please login with USER and PASS.).
Logging in as user ... ---->USER user
[331] 'Password required for user.'
[230] 'User user logged in. Access restrictions apply.'
Logged in!
previous directory: target: www
==> CWD www---->CWD www
[250] 'CWD command successful.'
==> SIZE file.txt ... ---->SIZE file.txt
[213] '1027'
done (1027 bytes)
local_fsize: 1383
target_fsize: 1027
resume_table: 1,1,2
==> TYPE I ... ---->TYPE I
[200] 'Type set to I.'
Portmode: 0
==> PASV ... ---->PASV
[227] 'Entering Passive Mode (21x,29,8x,2xx,92,64)'
Remote server data port: 21x.29.8x.2xx:23616
Doing proxy connection
c_sock: 770
initiating timeout connect (180)
Checking whether 1904 is writable... 1 (0:No error)
proxy-connect: 'CONNECT 21x.29.8x.2xx:23616 HTTP/1.0
' (IP eb571dd9)
==> REST 1027 ... ---->REST 1027
[350] 'Restarting at 1027. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.'
==> STOR file.txt ... ---->STOR file.txt
[150] 'Opening BINARY mode data connection for file.txt.'
Length: 1,383 [356 to go]
[ skipped 1K ]
0K ,,Closing socket 4202f0
[226] 'Transfer complete.'
11:03:35 (file.txt) - ` 3.70K/s' [1383]
processing queue:
Connection ended. (4204c0)
Checking whether 1932 is writable... 1 (0:No error)
# You have transferred 356 bytes in 1 files.
# Total traffic for this session was 965 bytes in 1 transfers.
# Thank you for using the FTP service on web.tomsk.net.
[221] 'Goodbye.'
Closing socket 4204c0
FINISHED --11:03:35--
Transfered 356 bytes in 1 file at 110.0B/s[/span]