Version 5.1
Kernel version 2.6.12 available in sata,ide and scsi configurations.
Xorg-6.8.2 is the default X window system.
New graphical/text package management with Gslapt and slapt-get.
New usb-mount for automounting usb devices like pendrives.
Easy on your system resources, should run fine with a minimum of 32mb of ram
Only reguires 950 megs of disk space for full install (but you should have more available for additional programs and swap space)
Laptop support including pcmcia and apm.
Usb support with hotplugging
Most available Linux hardware drivers are included.
XFCE4.2, Fluxbox and ICEwm window managers with antialias font support. More available on the deluxe CD.
Fully customized KDE-3.4.1 available on the deluxe CD version.
Freerock Gnome 2.10.2 is included with deluxe version as a second CD
Internet ready with Firefox, Dillo, Gaim, Xchat and more. Mplayer, flash, acrobat reader and java all available on the deluxe CD.
Abiword a stand alone full featured word processor that imports exports MS word style documents. OpenOffice available on the deluxe CD.
Xview and GQview for viewing, manipulating and editing graphics files
The Gimp a very sophisticated image creation program available on the deluxe CD
XMMS to play most music formats including CD's
A full compliment of GUI programs to handle email, file management, text editing, sound manipulation, file compression, desktop themes and more.
Full development suite with most common libraries, compilers and related tools.
Gcc updated to version 3.3.4.
PPP setup wizard for easy connection to the net via your modem. Both pppsetup and wvdial available. Update gkdial is now available also.
VI style text editors, mutt for email, lynx text web browsing, Midnight Commander file manager, ncftp, telnet, ping, finger and all the basic networking applications and daemons.
Vim, apache, mysql, Emacs, samba, screen all available on the deluxe CD version.
Added security with a built in gshield firewall, port sentry, openssl and openssh..
Enhanced USB support with hotplugging.
The default file manager (midnight commander) will install uninstall all software packages including rpms, slps, debs, and tgz.