Без всяких может и не может. Вот выдержка из "MCSE 70-270 Training Guide"
In Windows networking environments, user accounts and group accounts always
participate in one of two security contexts: workgroup security (also known as
peer-to-peer networking) and domain security. Workgroup security is the default
security context for individual and networked Windows 2000 Professional and
Windows XP Professional computers that are not members of a Windows domain.
Workgroups are logical groupings of computers that do not share a centrally
managed user and group database. Local users and groups are managed
from each computer’s Local Users And Groups folder within the Computer
Management Console. You must maintain users and groups separately on each
computer. No centralized management scheme exists within a workgroup environment;
duplicate user and group accounts must exist on each computer to grant
and control access permissions on each workstation’s individual resources.