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переложил все сюда:ftp://fedora.tomsk.ru/pub/fedora/soft/build/e17/(там же и собранные пакеты под FC4 x86_64).[snapback]6006[/snapback]
It seems Memprof is an orphaned piece of VERY USEFUL software that developers like ME love to death because it does some things I have yet to find anywhere else when it comes to memory allocation debugging. Mainly the easy LIVE PROFILING is insanely convenient. As a developer who has been coding for quite a while doing my own memory management - I don't suffer from traditional memory leaks much. I'm fastidious about keeping track of my pointers. Sometimes TOO fastidious, so instead of leaking, I just end up with STALE memory. Memory allocated and with pointers tracking it in object accounting lists, but the memory being entirely useless remaining allocated. Memprof is a GREAT utility to do just that. But it's fairly dead now. No releases since 2002, and recently with glibc-2.3.4 and beyond it broke due to recursion in the memory interceptor as now the glibc backtrace calls end up dynamically loading libraries and thus indirectly causing memory allocations within the memory allocation debugging/accounting code. This is ALL BAD as it basically means nothing works under memprof. So with some fixing I have made it work again. I do not guarantee it works on anything other than Debian Unstable (SID) and even then it is IFFY (do NOT compile with ANY optimizations - use -O0 optimization when compiling to make sure it actually works). I have fixed the backtrace calls to remove the most recent stack member as it's useless (its always malloc, calloc or realloc which is pretty useless as anyone knows that our allocations WILL come from one of those 3 anyway - it's the calling functions that matter). I have also added a new window to memprof - this displays an active memory map of the process as well as a memory usage graph over time so you can watch where the memory usage peaks are etc. This of course is NOT PERFECT. I did a quick job of making it work. It's a useful tool when debugging anyway.
Вот ты бы еще фтп починил
и ебилдами поделился своими [snapback]7378[/snapback]
2 peer-TomTel.nts.su ( 4.300 ms 3.095 ms 3.660 ms 3 *
Code: [Select]2 peer-TomTel.nts.su ( 4.300 ms 3.095 ms 3.660 ms 3 *Вот лучше бы ебилды писал, чем так извращался. [snapback]7425[/snapback]
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Magnus, не планируется в ближайшее время выложить свежий снепшот E17?
CVS moved: new anoncvs at :pserver:[email protected]:/var/cvs/e
Thnx, будем ждать. %)На канале #e сказано, что