В связи с открытием нового отдела в Компании F5 Networks открыто 3 вакансии.
2 позиции на Senior Test Engineer
1 позиция на Test Engineer I\II\III
Официальное трудоустройствоБонусы:1. Годовой бонус - от 30% от ГОДОВОЙ зп;
2. Квартальная премия - 30% к ежемесячной зп;
3. Добровольное медицинское страхование сотрудников и членов семьи страховка: 1 000 000 руб на стационарное обслуживание, поликлинику и стоматологию
4. Страховка от Несчастного случая
4. Бесплатные обеды (кафе "Пекин"\"Пиплс")
Требования к специалистам (обязательно знание технического англ. языка)Senior Test Engineer – заработная плата по итогам собеседования (зп до 90,000 рублей + бонусы)Qualifications• experience with TCP and IP protocols.
• experience in security testing.
• Experience testing data center and enterprise firewall and IPS/IDS devices is desired.
• Strong knowledge of IP networking: routing, switching, and network standards from Layer 2 through the transport and application layers is required.
• Familiarity with various Layer 7 protocols: HTTP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP, SIP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, etc. is a plus.
• Strong UNIX/Linux knowledge including network configuration & troubleshooting, and system / network administration skills is required.
• Demonstrated excellent troubleshooting skills and ability to pick up new technologies easily and quickly.
• Familiar with software and/or hardware test methodology is highly desirable.
• Experience with network troubleshooting/management and protocol analysis tools is a plus
Senior Test Engineer – заработная плата по итогам собеседования (зп до 90,000 рублей + бонусы)
Qualifications• Networking experience with application protocols, especially HTTP/HTTPS.
• Firm knowledge and at least one year experience in JavaScript development for WEB Applications
• Knowledge in WEB security threats and execution techniques.
• Experience in WEB Applications development or Testing on mobile devices.
• Knowledge and experience in IT and Data Center technologies, including various visualization solutions
• Advanced knowledge of Linux operating system – Advantage.
• A graduate degree in computer science – Advantage.
• Experience in QA methodologies and Web Applications testing cycles – Advantage
• Web server farm administration experience – Advantage.
• Scripting experience (Bash, Python, or Perl) – Advantage
Test Engineer Junior\II\III (зп до 60,000 рублей + бонусы)Qualifications• experience with TCP and IP protocols.
• experience in security testing.
• Experience testing data center and enterprise firewall and IPS/IDS devices is desired.
• Strong knowledge of IP networking: routing, switching, and network standards from Layer 2 through the transport and application layers is required.
• Familiarity with various Layer 7 protocols: HTTP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP, SIP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, etc. is a plus.
• UNIX/Linux knowledge including network configuration & troubleshooting, and system / network administration skills is required.
Образец резюме прилагается.
Резюме присылать на [email protected]
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