Компания F5 Networks, открыто 3 вакансии на следующие позиции
- 2 вакансии на позиции Software Engineer (I-Senior)
- 1 вакансия на позицию Test Engineer (I-Senior)
Официальное трудоустройство
1. Годовой бонус - от 30% к ГОДОВОЙ зп;
2. Квартальная премия - 15% к ежемесячной зп;
3. Добровольное медицинское страхование сотрудников и членов семьи страховка: 1 000 000 руб на стационарное обслуживание, поликлинику и стоматологию
4. Страховка от Несчастного случая
4. Бесплатные обеды (кафе "Пекин")
Требования к специалистам (обязательно знание технического англ. языка)
Software Engineer – заработная плата по итогам собеседовния + бонусы
Qualifications • Bachelor degree in computer/engineering related field or equivalent work experience
• Experience in multi-platform network software development for a variety of operating systems
• operating/networking experience such as sockets, database management, multithreaded applications, and kernel
• C/C++ programming.
• Ability to interact with users of the product.
• TCP/IP networking and Unix based operating systems
• C++, STL, Perl, TCL, Python, PHP, and Java
• Knowledge and expertise in software engineering methodologies and effective unit testing
• Proven ability to deliver products with highest quality and on time
• IPC mechanisms, RPC, TCP/IP, HTTP, SSL, XML, FTP, DNS, Multicasting, and other protocols.
• embedded Linux, Unix systems programming, event loops, asynchronous i/o
Test Engineer - заработная плата по итогам собеседования + БОНУСЫ
• Knowledge of TCP/IP Networking
• Knowledge and experience of MS Windows family OSes
• Knowledge of test methodologies used in software development.
• UNIX experience preferred
• Analytic / trouble-shooting skills
• Ability to learn new test methodologies and follow specific, detailed instructions
• Able to collaborate and thrive in a fast-paced high-performance environment
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[email protected]Тел - 8 913 826 09 57 - Алексей