[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']Session started with []
Connection from Honda-Club []
Remote from Honda-Club reports itself as honda-club.tomsk.ru
User support <
[email protected]> logged on (Plain-text)
Sender <
[email protected]> accepted
Recipient <
@honda-club.tomsk.ru:[email protected]> accepted
Receiving message from <
[email protected]>
Message 48A571E300000060 (1108 bytes) received
User support <
[email protected]> logged off
Connection terminated normally
Session finished with Honda-Club []
отправитель - форум phpbb 2
то что выделил красным это нормально? а то некоторые письма возвращаются с ответом Negative "RCPT TO"