Author Topic: ООО "Ф5 Нетворкс". Открывается новое направление, 1 позиция  (Read 2594 times)

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Offline Alexey-PT

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В связи с открытием нового направления в компании Ф5 Нетворкс, открыта вакансия Security Engineer

Официальное трудоустройство

1. Годовой бонус - от 30% от ГОДОВОЙ зп;
2. Квартальная премия - 30% к ежемесячной зп;
3. Добровольное медицинское страхование сотрудников и членов семьи страховка: 1 000 000 руб на стационарное обслуживание, поликлинику и стоматологию
4. Страховка от Несчастного случая
4. Бесплатные обеды (кафе "Пекин"\"Пиплс")

Требования к специалистам (обязательно знание технического англ. языка)

Security Engineer – заработная плата по итогам собеседования

•   Designing, setting up and maintaining a test infrastructure (including clients, servers, switches, routers and dedicated test equipment).
•   Designing and maintaining a suite of test cases based on functional specifications.
•   Implementing test cases under the test infrastructure.
•   Executing tests and documenting test results.
•   Working with other testers, developers, or professional services engineers to help isolate bugs, improve engineering documentation and enhance product quality.
•   Developing and maintaining automated test cases.
•   Creating test plans for large projects based on product documentation and functional specifications
•   Use tools to scan, fuzz, and attempt to penetrate network based products.
•   Serve as source of technical and security expertise to multiple project teams and act as a mentor for junior staff members.
•   Recognize, adopt, and teach best practices in security engineering: cryptography, network security, security operations, and systems security.
•   Keep knowledge and skills current with the rapidly changing threat landscape.
•   Evaluate and recommend new and emerging security products and technologies.


•   Bachelor degree in computer/engineering related field or equivalent work experience; MS Degree a plus.
•   Experience in network/web application test environment.
•   Experience with Common Criteria is a plus
•   Expert knowledge of IP networking: routing, switching, and network standards from layer 1 on up through the transport and applications layers.
•   Solid UNIX knowledge including kernel configuration, network configuration & troubleshooting, and system / network administration skills.
•   Strong experience setting up and maintaining a test infrastructure (including clients, servers, switches, routers and dedicated test equipment)
•   Knowledge of HTTP is a plus.
•   Test automation experience with Python or other scripting languages with a network-related product
•   Experience designing and maintaining a suite of test cases based functional specifications.
•   Experience with network troubleshooting, protocol analysis and security tools
•   Familiar with software and hardware test methodology and defect tracking systems.
•   Solid technical writing and communications skills.
•   Familiarity with web application technologies such as HTTP, HTML, XML, Java Script, etc., and the vulnerabilities that plague them.
•   Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows environment and Microsoft Office Tools.

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 10:52:37 by Alexey_F5 »