естественно не будет грузится - ты же загрузочную область диска не изменял.
создай загрузочную дискетку - в readme на диске asplinux это прописано ;) в том же разделе
образ дискеты лежит на ftp://grani.tomica.ru/incoming/4SHmaler/ (http://ftp://grani.tomica.ru/incoming/4SHmaler/), его можно записать на дискету с помощью rawrite.exe, найдешь её в томском инете :) .
Просто интересено Sam,
а дальше? (можно README) :)
ftp://linux.tomsk.ru/Linux/ (http://ftp://linux.tomsk.ru/Linux/) в дире Distribs(или Distribution, точно не помню - ftp не работает ;) ) ASPLinux10Disk1, там README лежит
Спасибо Sam,
Будет полезно, так что выложу
In case if your system doesn't support boot from CD or you're installing from
any networked device (NFS,HTTP,FTP) you should boot from bootable diskette in a
way to start ASPLinux installation. If you're installing from CD you should use
'boot.img' diskette image to create bootable disk, if from network -
'bootnet.img'. Please note that if your system is equipped with SCSI or RAID
disk controllers or ISA networks cards you will be asked for an additional
Drivers diskette when installation starts. It would be 'Network Drivers
Diskette', that located on 'drvnet.img' image, or 'Block Drivers Diskette',
which image is located on 'drvblock.img' image. In case if any PCMCIA cards are
installed in your system, e.g. if you're installing ASPLinux on laptop
computer, you will be asked for 'PCMCIA Drivers' disk ('pcmciadd.img' image).
In this case you should create such diskettes before installation starts.
Please note, that 'Network Drivers Diskette' is required by NFS type of
installation also.
Among already described floopy images there are files containing '2' in their
names, i.e. boot2.img and bootnet2.img. These files contains absolutely
identical images, as their counterpairs ('boot.img' and 'bootnet.img' files),
except loader part: on files without '2' it's ASPLoader boot loader, which is
used, while on files with '2' in their names LILO boot loader used instead. If
ordinary boot diskette (created from either 'boot.img' or 'bootnet.img' images)
is failed to boot on your system, you should try to boot from another image,
with '2' in it's filename. An additional difference beetwen images with
ASPLoader and LILO loaders is that the latter ones (with LILO, *2.img files)
doesn't contains boot menu and, hence, doesn't offer to choose mode in which
to start installer.
All of diskette images mentioned above may be found on ASPLinux CD1
in /boot directory.
To write a diskette you should use 'dd' program under Linux OS or
'rawrite.exe' program under DOS/Windows.
Here is simply examples how to create diskette via 'dd' and 'rawrite':
- dd if=/mnt/cdrom/boot/bootnet.img of=/dev/fd0
where /mnt/cdrom is directory where ASPLinux CD1 is mounted;
- rawrite D:\boot\bootnet.img
where D: is CD-ROM name in your DOS/Windows system. If you use 'rawrite'
you will be asked for floppy drive name. Just enter A: or B: to proceed.