Народ, подскажите как с помощью стандартных програм в Линуксе можно сгенерировать достаточно крепкий пароль длиной около 6 символов? За ранее благодарен.Пароль около 6 символов по определению "крепким" быть не может. :([snapback]1576[/snapback]
What is APG ?
APG (Automated Password Generator) is the tool set for random password generation
Standalone version
Generates some random words of required type and prints them to standard output.
Nerwork version
APG server
When client's request is arrived generates some random words of predefined type and send them to client over the network (according to RFC0972).
APG client
Sends the password generation request to the APG server, wait for generated Passwords arrival and then prints them to the standard output.
Built-in ANSI X9.17 RNG (Random Number Generator)(CAST/SHA1)
Built-in password quality checking system (it has support for Bloom filter for faster access)
Two Password Generation Algorithms:
Pronounceable Password Generation Algorithm (according to NIST FIPS 181)
Random Character Password Generation Algorithm with 27 (35 for APG >= 2.0.0b0) configurable modes of operation
Configurable password length parameters
Configurable amount of generated passwords
Ability to initialize RNG with user string
Support for /dev/random
Ability to crypt() generated passwords and print them as additional output.
Special parameters to use APG in script
Ability to log password generation requests for network version
Ability to control APG service access using tcpd
Ability to use password generation service from any type of box (Mac, WinXX, etc.) that connected to network
Ability to enforce remote users to use only allowed type of password generation
Ага, еще по коду ДНК и роговице глаза будет делаться хэш для доступа к чипу :ph34r:нет, это не удобно[snapback]3272[/snapback]
оставить порт на ssh на опредленный айпи и юзера, тогда вероятность взлома умеништся, но... 6 символов в разном регистре - за глаза :rolleyes:опасность чаще всего приходит не через ссш[snapback]3296[/snapback]